Maundy Thursday Service

Mexico UMC 122 E Promenade, MEXICO, MO, United States

Please join us on Maundy Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.  This service is rich in symbolism as we recall the day Jesus gathered with his disciples in the Upper Room during Passover for the Last Supper.  The name “Maundy Thursday” comes from the Latin word “mandatum” which means commandment.   The commandment was given...

Sunrise Service

122 E Promenade, Mexico, MO, United States

Please join us for a Sunrise Service led by the Mexico All Together Youth.  This combined youth group is made up of youth from Mexico United Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church of Mexico, and First Christian Church of Mexico (Disciples of Christ). The congregations of all three churches are encourage to worship at 6:30 a.m....


Experiencing God’s Presence

122 E Promenade, Mexico, MO, United States

In Experiencing God's Presence, the first study in the Jesus Calling Bible Study Series, you will be encouraged to lay down your cares and just spend time each day with your heavenly Father. As you follow the Lord's instruction to "be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10), you will encounter His peace, be filled with His...

Back-to-School Health Fair

Mexico UMC 122 E Promenade, MEXICO, MO, United States

Drive-Thru Event ONLY ! The Annual Back-To-School Health Fair is presented to you by the Community Health Ministry Team. Backpacks and school supplies are provided for children of grades Kindergarten through 12th, at no additional cost. Audrain County residents and others from surrounding areas are welcome! All children must be present and accompanied by a...


Glory Days

Mexico UMC 122 E Promenade, MEXICO, MO, United States

The wilderness. Maybe you know it well.  The Israelites sure did. After all, they spent forty years wandering the desert. Victories were scarce. Progress was slow. They were free from Pharaoh but not free from fear. Saved but stuck. Sounds a lot like midlife misery. Caught in a rut. Stalled out. Running on empty. Are...


Men’s Breakfast

Mexico UMC 122 E Promenade, MEXICO, MO, United States

Come and enjoy table fellowship and conversation with a great group who has an open chair waiting for you.  We meet in the Fellowship Hall and dismiss in time for Sunday school and bible study.


Jesus The God Who Knows Your Name

Mexico UMC 122 E Promenade, MEXICO, MO, United States

Do you find it more difficult to think of Jesus Christ as a human, like you, than to think of him as God? You may believe in God, and you may believe Jesus is God, but many Christians find it difficult to think of him as a real person--fully human as he was fully divine....

James Circle Bake Sale

Mexico UMC 122 E Promenade, MEXICO, MO, United States

It’s the season for tricks and treats!!  Treat yourself to some delicious, homemade goodies at the annual James Circle bake sale.  We will have yummy treats for sale in the narthex before and after worship on Sunday. Oct. 23rd. All money raised goes to help needy families at Christmas.  Your support is appreciated.

Lord’s Acre Sale

Mexico UMC 122 E Promenade, MEXICO, MO, United States

UMC is hosting our annual Lord’s Acre Sale. Dinner starts at 4:00 pm until 6:00.  Silent Auction ends at 6:00 p.m. With a Called Auction starting at 6:00.


Who Needs Christmas?

Mexico UMC 122 E Promenade, MEXICO, MO, United States

The season of Advent prepares our hearts to receive the greatest gift ever given. You are invited to attend the Advent study Who Needs Christmas? This four-week study will begin on Sunday, Nov. 27th, at 9:00 in Fellowship Hall. No book is required. Rediscover the improbable story of Christmas. Four thousand years ago, God promised...